

We give because God
first gave to us.
Generosity is a key component of discipleship. As we give of our time and treasures,
Jesus transforms our hearts to be more like him. Through generosity, we get to
partner with him to see the world look more like heaven!



Build Support


Giving is God’s way of enlarging His people, but God is not dependent on people. He’s owns the earth and everyone (Psa.24:1). It’s also a way we partner in spreading God’s Work.

We give to God’s vision because we love Him and it’s an expression of gratitude. Giving is our way of showing that we are not ingrates. We give because that’s what greatness does.

When people ask if they can give to advance this vision of God’s work, it’s important they go through this check list for giving must be done totally by God’s will, word, and way.

-Are you born again child of God?
What God desires the most is you, and not your resources, (Luke 19:10; 2 Cor.8:5). You are God’s resources and as such, His foremost interest is in you (Mark 8:36)

-Do you have enough money for your family’s needs?
“Charity”, they say, “Begins at home”. It’s important one begins their good deeds from inside-out not outside-in approach. We must apply Christ’s perspective to first wash inside the cup before the outside (Mark 7:9-3 and 1Tim. 5:8)

-Do you have any large debts to pay?
The Bible teaches us to owe no man nothing except love (Romans 13:8). Christ came to free us from oppression. He came to lighten our burdens. If giving puts a strain on your inability to settle your debts, then it’s not God’s system. Note: A house-loan is not a debt (in the meaning of the verses) because the house is an asset that you posses that is equal in value to the loan taken. For the same reason, a vehicle-loan is also not a debt – provided the vehicle is insured for the value of the loan taken). Also, a business loan provided you make profit from it.

-Is your conscience clear?
God desires we be free guilty conscience. If you have a a relationship that is offended in you, it’s important you follow Christ’s reconciliation process. Have you talked with the person? Did you make extra effort by taking someone along when it didn’t workout at first try? If yes, then you’re free (Matthew 5:23-24)

-Are you giving freely and cheerfully?
God loves a cheerful giver. He does not want you to give because you were coerced or forced. He wants you to give not out of necessity or grudgingly (2 Cor.9:7).

-Is what you are giving yours?
God wants to bless the works of your hands. And as such, what you give must not be stolen. Fraudulent means does not attract God’s blessings but a curse (Eph.4:28; 2 Thess.3:10)

If all these are settled with, then, may you be blessed beyond measure. Peace!